西文图书1.Mao Zedong carried out the revolution to the end 毛泽东将革命进行到底 H319/40923
可借复本:1 Compiled by the editorial committee of this book
foreign language press 2000
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西文图书2.Mao Zedong's Proposal on Improving the Party Committee System 毛泽东关于健全党委制 H319/40911
可借复本:1 Compiled by the editorial committee of this book
foreign language press 2000
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西文图书3.Mao Zedong's Several Important Issues in the Current Party Policy 毛泽东关于目前党的政策中的几个... H319/40912
可借复本:1 Compiled by the editorial committee of this book
foreign language press 2000
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西文图书4.Mao Zedong Commemorates Bethune 毛泽东纪念白求恩 H319/40948
可借复本:1 Compiled by the editorial committee of this book
foreign language press 2000
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西文图书5.Mao Zedong Yugong Moves Mountains 毛泽东愚公移山 H319/40973
可借复本:1 Compiled by the editorial committee of this book
foreign language press 2000
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西文图书6.Mao Zedong's Discussion on the People's Democratic Dictatorship 毛泽东论人民民主专政 H319/40919
可借复本:1 Compiled by the editorial committee of this book
foreign language press 2000
(0) 馆藏 -
西文图书7.Mao Zedong's Discussion on the People's Democratic Dictatorship 毛泽东论人民民主专政 H319/40920
可借复本:1 Compiled by the editorial committee of this book
foreign language press 2000
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西文图书8.Mao Zedong's Essays and Art 毛泽东论文学和艺术 H319/40502
可借复本:1 Compiled by the editorial committee of this book
foreign language press 2000
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西文图书9.Mao Zedong's Discussion on Chongqing Negotiations 毛泽东关于重庆谈判 H319/40977
可借复本:1 Compiled by the editorial committee of this book
foreign language press 2000
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西文图书10.Mao Zedong carried out the revolution to the end 毛泽东将革命进行到底 H319/40922
可借复本:1 Compiled by the editorial committee of this book
foreign language press 2000
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西文图书11.Mao Zedong carried out the revolution to the end 毛泽东将革命进行到底 H319/40916
可借复本:1 Compiled by the editorial committee of this book
foreign language press 2000
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西文图书12.Mao Zedong's Current Situation and Our Tasks 毛泽东目前形势和我们的任务 H319/40910
可借复本:1 Compiled by the editorial committee of this book
foreign language press 2000
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西文图书13.Mao Zedong carried out the revolution to the end 毛泽东将革命进行到底 H319/40976
可借复本:1 Compiled by the editorial committee of this book
foreign language press 2000
(0) 馆藏 -
西文图书14.Mao Zedong Commemorates Bethune 毛泽东纪念白求恩 H319/40947
可借复本:1 Compiled by the editorial committee of this book
foreign language press 2000
(0) 馆藏 -
西文图书15.Mao Zedong Commemorates Bethune 毛泽东纪念白求恩 H319/40949
可借复本:1 Compiled by the editorial committee of this book
foreign language press 2000
(0) 馆藏 -
西文图书16.Mao Zedong Commemorates Bethune 毛泽东纪念白求恩 H319/40964
可借复本:1 Compiled by the editorial committee of this book
foreign language press 2000
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西文图书17.Mao Zedong's Discussion on the People's Democratic Dictatorship 毛泽东论人民民主专政 H319/40918
可借复本:1 Compiled by the editorial committee of this book
foreign language press 2000
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西文图书18.Mao Zedong's Poetry 毛泽东诗词 H319/40005
可借复本:1 Compiled by the editorial committee of this book
foreign language press 2000
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西文图书19.Mao Zedong carried out the revolution to the end 毛泽东将革命进行到底 H319/40917
可借复本:1 Compiled by the editorial committee of this book
foreign language press 2000
(0) 馆藏 -
西文图书20.Mao Zedong carried out the revolution to the end 毛泽东将革命进行到底 H319/40921
可借复本:1 Compiled by the editorial committee of this book
foreign language press 2000
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