中文图书1.函数图象及二元二次联立方程.新1版 O174.53/3
可借复本:1 中国数学会上海分会中学数学研究委员会编著
上海教育出版社 1959
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中文图书2.数学分析中的问题和定理.第2卷,函数论、零点、多项式、行列式、数论、几何 O17/263
可借复本:2 ( )G.波利亚,( )G.舍贵著
上海科学技术出版社 1985
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西文图书3.Functional English (Science and Engineering) III 函数英语 H319/36731
可借复本:1 Compiled by the editorial committee of this book
foreign language press 2000
(0) 馆藏 -
西文图书4.Functional English (Science and Engineering) III 函数英语 H319/36560
可借复本:1 Compiled by the editorial committee of this book
foreign language press 2000
(0) 馆藏 -
西文图书5.Functional English (Science and Engineering) 4 函数英语 H319/36749
可借复本:1 Compiled by the editorial committee of this book
foreign language press 2000
(0) 馆藏 -
西文图书6.Functional English (Science and Engineering) 1 函数英语 H319/36561
可借复本:1 Compiled by the editorial committee of this book
foreign language press 2000
(0) 馆藏 -
西文图书7.Functional English (Science and Engineering) 4 函数英语 H319/36332
可借复本:1 Compiled by the editorial committee of this book
foreign language press 2000
(0) 馆藏 -
西文图书8.Functional English (Science and Engineering) 4 函数英语 H319/36732
可借复本:1 Compiled by the editorial committee of this book
foreign language press 2000
(0) 馆藏 -
西文图书9.Functions.1 函数.1 H319/21740
可借复本:1 Compiled by the editorial board of this book
foreign language press 2000
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西文图书10.Theory of Functional Differential Equations 函数微分方程理论 H319/17063
可借复本:1 Compiled by the editorial board of this book
foreign language press 2000
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西文图书11.Functional Analysis and Semigroups 函数分析和半羣 H319/20831
可借复本:1 Compiled by the editorial board of this book
foreign language press 2000
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西文图书12.Functions and Equations 函数和方程 H319/8014
可借复本:1 Compiled by the editorial board of this book
foreign language press 2000
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西文图书13.Theory of Functional Differential Equations 函数微分方程理论 H319/17067
可借复本:1 Compiled by the editorial board of this book
foreign language press 2000
(0) 馆藏 -
西文图书14.Theory of Functional Differential Equations 函数微分方程理论 H319/17068
可借复本:1 Compiled by the editorial board of this book
foreign language press 2000
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西文图书15.Exercise Set on Function Theory 函数论习题集 H319/26902
可借复本:1 Compiled by the editorial board of this book
foreign language press 2000
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西文图书16.Functions and Equations 函数和方程 H319/5781
可借复本:1 Compiled by the editorial board of this book
foreign language press 2000
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西文图书17.Theory of Functional Differential Equations 函数微分方程理论 H319/17066
可借复本:1 Compiled by the editorial board of this book
foreign language press 2000
(0) 馆藏 -
西文图书18.Theory of Function Spaces 函数空间理论 H319/17271
可借复本:1 Compiled by the editorial board of this book
foreign language press 2000
(0) 馆藏 -
西文图书19.Theory of Functional Differential Equations 函数微分方程理论 H319/17065
可借复本:1 Compiled by the editorial board of this book
foreign language press 2000
(0) 馆藏 -
西文图书20.Theory of Function Spaces 函数空间理论 H319/21937
可借复本:1 Compiled by the editorial board of this book
foreign language press 2000
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